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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
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Team Service Project Deliverables

Team Service Project Deliverables

Q Social Responsibility Project Assignment: Experiential Leadership - Teams in Action Assignment: Early in the semester your team will select a social problem with which it will be involved with throughout the semester. Your team will brainstorm for topics of interest from each member. Topics may range from college problems that directly affect class members to problems within the community. What can you, as a virtual team, do to help? Does this organization need help currently? Who will find out? I must approve both the organization and the proposed project. It should focus on something that will interest the organization, your team members, and your professor. Make this something you will be proud to accomplish. Make this something that you can mention in your resume and/or post to Linked-In. Your task is to leave the class at the end of the semester having contributed something of use and value to the non-profit. As an online class, you will not be able to physically participate in some pre-planned team service or activity for the organization. Your deliverables will be a buttoned-up project plan (more details to follow) that the organization can use to complete the action without any involvement from your team. Goals: There are two major parts to this assignment. First, you will participate in a Social Responsibility project that will discover, formulate, and develop a project plan designed to solve a known problem for an approved non-profit. Second, your team will present its experiences in a presentation. Social responsibility like Service learning is a method of experiential learning through which students meet community needs while developing their abilities for critical thinking and group problem solving. Your team will engage in skills that help you to work better together, that will enable you to analyze a problem and evaluate solutions, and most important, will create an opportunity for you to meet a need in our community. At the end of the semester, each team will record a 15-minute team presentation for their final explaining the project plan and expected outcomes. Requirements: 1. You MUST collectively select a non-profit organization by 08/23/2020. There is no location restriction. There are, however, a few class requirements. First, no “double-dipping” is allowed – you are not allowed to work on a pre-existing Greek life / team / club project, nor are you allowed to enlist your team in helping you with an existing project from another class or a pre-existing commitment you’ve made. Also, there are a few types of non-profits that you should be careful about - political and religious organizations. I will, consider project proposals for religious entities on a case-by-case basis. If the project focuses on a social need, it will probably be approved. For example, it is OK to help the Salvation Army plan a clothing drive. 2. A project proposal is due on 08/30/2020. There is a separate document detailing the requirements for the proposal. This is worth 25 points. At the end of the semester, your team will turn in a Deliverables Package. This is due on 09/27/2020 and is worth 150 points. This will likely include, but certainly not be limited to: a. Overview / Plan Summary – this document should refer to the components and explain how the organization would use the materials to organize the project. b. SWOT / Needs Definition – a SWOT analysis of the organization, that explains how the org and your team identified the problem that your project intends to solve. c. A Project Schedule (or Timeline) – this component will determine overall project duration, start and projected completion dates for all major action steps, expected task durations and any task dependencies. This will be a separate document. You are welcome to use the Excel template provided in Canvas. d. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – a table that details each task by position title that includes staffing assessment, hours required by position, and total person-hours required to complete the project. The WBS should note the number of individual workers required to complete the task in the time allotted on the timeline. e. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) – a chart showing who will complete each step listed in the WBS. f. Materials (Resource) Requirements – a list of what you will need to complete the project and recommendations for suppliers and estimated costs. g. Personnel plan that lists job assignments and required knowledge or skills, if any; also list recommendations for training delivery, if applicable. This is closely related to the WBS. h. Promotion / Marketing plan – specify recommended media/platforms, frequency, timing, and estimated costs. Develop content if possible. Detail required skills, if any; suggest training to fill knowledge gaps. i. Risk Plan – what might go wrong and what you will do to handle the issue. j. Users’ Guide / Training Manual – develop ‘how to’ guides for any tasks that your team determines might require guidance for the org to complete independently. Develop a step-by-step guide for major task completion. Document any resources available but not included in the final work product. k. Any additional document that the team determines is necessary to complete the assignment with excellence. 3. A final project presentation is due on 09/27/2020; it is worth 100 points. a. Each team will submit a final project presentation in PowerPoint format. In addition, the team will record your presentation and provide a Word document that includes the hyperlink to the recording and a Password (if needed). If I cannot watch your video, I cannot grade your presentation. b. See the “Guidance for the Presentation” section below for more details. c. In addition, you should collect materials from the organization to demonstrate who/what they are. These may include periodicals, newspapers, books, surveys, questionnaires, photographs, scrapbooks, and pamphlets. These should be integrated into your presentation. Scan them in and use them as pictures in a PowerPoint slideshow, for example. d. In addition, I encourage you to use videos from the organization to help you tell the story. Guidance for the Presentation Your presentation should include the following information (or information similar in nature): Introduction: - Introduce each of the teammates o What role(s) did they play in this assignment? - Who was the organization? o Brief description of it, i.e. what does it do for the community? o The location or the disadvantaged population it serves o Why you chose the org. - What your team will discuss today during the presentation (make a preview statement/central idea) Body: - Organization information o Detailed information about this organization ? What is their mission statement? ? History of this organization • If you research this information, note from where you obtained this information o Website? o Brochure? o Interview with the coordinator? ? Community service record • What have they done for Pitt (or other) county? ? All other pertinent information regarding the organization • Discuss the brochures, interviews with other workers, etc. that occurred. o Who did you meet or interact with? o Did you have to sign confidentiality forms? o What did you do while helping this organization? ? How did it make you feel? ? Why did it make you feel that way? o How do you feel you helped the community? ? Each member must address this; it may be different for each person. o What did you (each member) bring away from this assignment? o Would you do it again? ? Why? ? Why not? o Would you recommend this organization to others if they needed to fulfill community service hours? - Explain the project by walking through the Project Deliverables, as appropriate. You may or may not have all the following content items in your project. o Review the proposal and the information uncovered during the discovery discussions o Review the SWOT that you performed on the organization o Give an executive summary of the organization – it will paraphrase the contents of the Deliverables package o Show and explain the timeline – tell us how long the project should take to complete o Show and explain the Work Breakdown Structure o Show and explain the Materials Requirements o Show and explain the Personnel plan o Show and explain the Promotion / Marketing plan o Show and explain the User’s Guide / Training Manual o Show and explain the expected results / outcomes in quantifiable terms o Show and explain any additional document that your team determined was necessary to complete the project with excellence - There are things I have not covered here. As a team, figure out what else needs to be included in the presentation. o Make this unique to normal classroom presentations. Make me want to pay close attention. o Be creative in explaining your experience. Conclusion: - Summarize: o The organization o What they do for the community o Why you chose this organization o What you did (the project) to help this organization o Some of your experiences o What each of you took away from this assignment Grading and Other Things: Every semester I have some teams who put forth an amazing effort and truly help the organization and the community. Their contribution to the community is impressive and worthy. Then, there are other teams who choose to do something that is not quite up-to-par, however, they technically meet the requirements I have set forth. To address this, I will contact each of the organizations the teams helped to get some feedback. I will let them know that part of the grade is their evaluation of your work. Their feedback combined with the scope of the project and presentation will help me to better determine the worthiness of the social responsibility in which each team participated. My hope is that each team achieves top recognition for their efforts, as they are not only representing ECU College of Business and this class, but they are also representing themselves.

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Included in this Deliverables Package: ? S.W.O.T. Analysis of Holly’s Nest Animal Rescue Inc. ? SMART Goals for This Project ? How We Will Help Holly’s Nest Animal Rescue Inc. ? Timeline ? Material Requirements ? YouTube Set-Up, Suggested Content, and Monetizing the YouTube Channel ? YouTube Video Posting Schedule ? QR Codes and Advertising ? Sample Brochure ? Revamping the Facebook Page ? Outcome for Holly’s Nest Animal Rescue Inc. ? What We Learned from This Project